"I can make loud vocalizations to distract predators."




Clase Mammalia
Orden Primates
Peso 320 - 435 gr
Longitud 17 - 27 cm

Estado de conservación mundial

LC Least Concern

¿Quién soy?

I am a small primate. The fur on my back is mottled black with yellow shades. Around my mouth, I have whitish fur. The males of my species usually have lighter fur coloration than the females. I can live in family groups of up to 20 individuals.

¿De qué me alimento?

My diet is very varied; I can feed on fruits, flowers, plant exudates (such as gum and sap from trees). Also, I like eating small animals such as insects, snails, lizards, and amphibians.

¿Dónde vivo?

You can find me in the Amazon forests of Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia.

Para que me conozcas mejor

All for one, and one for all 

In my natural environment, I usually ally with other species of small primates, forming mixed groups, which give us an advantage in defending the foraging area (feeding area).

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