"My distinctive white mustache will help you recognize me among the bushy trees."



Clase Mammalia
Orden Primates
Peso 500 - 633 gr
Longitud 23 - 28 cm

Estado de conservación mundial

LC Least Concern

¿Quién soy?

I am a small nocturnal mammal. My body is medium in size and have a considerable amount of hair unlike other species of armadillos. I have brown fur with whitish tones. I have a great ability to dig and build burrows where I rest and protect myself from predators.

¿De qué me alimento?

My favorite foods are fruits, flowers, nectars, insects, and exudates of different plants.

¿Dónde vivo?

I live in the Amazon forests of Peru and Brazil.

Para que me conozcas mejor

Strengthening bonds 

Grooming is an important activity within our families. It helps us to strengthen social bonds inside the family group, plus to encourage the other members to take care of the infants.

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