"I play a very important role in forests as a seed disperser."



Clase Mammalia
Orden Primates
Peso 550 - 950 gr
Longitud 30 - 35 cm

Estado de conservación mundial

VU Vulnerable

¿Quién soy?

I am a neotropical nocturnal primate. My fur has shades of gray and brown, adorned with a bright orange stripe on the back of my neck and on the inside of my limbs. My large eyes are characteristic of my species, which are adapted to night activities. I am a very skilled climber, and I like to live in small family groups.

¿De qué me alimento?

I like to eat fruits and flower nectars. Also, I supplement my diet with insects and other types of arthropods.

¿Dónde vivo?

I like to live in rainforests and humid forest areas. You can find me in Colombia, Brazil, and Peru.

Para que me conozcas mejor

Primates, alert! 

We are victims of wildlife trafficking to be used in medical experiments because our immune system is very similar to humans.

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