"I am one of the largest parrots in the Amazon."



Clase Aves
Orden Psittaciformes
Peso 540 - 700 gr
Longitud 38 - 40 cm

Estado de conservación mundial

NT Near Threatened

¿Quién soy?

I am a large Amazon parrot, my plumage is green with a crown of blue and purple feathers on my head. In some parts of the jungle, I am also known as Ushpa parrot. I am a gregarious species, but I prefer to live in small groups.

¿De qué me alimento?

I eat mainly plants, including seeds, fruits, nuts, flowers, and young sprouts.

¿Dónde vivo?

I live in the tropical regions of Central and South America. I like humid and semi-humid forests, primary forests, and crops.

Para que me conozcas mejor

Mealy parrots? On my back and neck, I have a whitish tone, which gives the appearance of being covered by a thin layer of flour, which justifies the name "farinosos" or "harinosos" in Spanish.

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