"My keen sense of sight helps me find food and locate my predators quickly."



Clase Aves
Orden SPsittaciformes
Peso 0.9 1.1 kg
Longitud 70 - 80 cm

Estado de conservación mundial

VU Vulnerable

¿Quién soy?

You can recognize me by my bright green plumage. I have a red and white front patch on the bare area of ​​my face, adorned with fine black lines. My wings are olive-yellow. Like other macaws, we mate for life. We prefer to place our eggs in nests already built by other birds.

¿De qué me alimento?

I am a specialized granivore, which means my diet is based mainly on seeds. I can supplement my diet with fruits, bark, and young leaves.

¿Dónde vivo?

You can find me in humid and rainy forests in Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina.

Para que me conozcas mejor

Life in colonies.  

We, military macaws, are gregarious birds, and we like to live in large family groups of up to 100 individuals.

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