"My strong claws help me climb trees where I hunt and rest."



Clase Mammalia
Orden Carnivora
Peso 3 -6 kg
Longitud 60 - 70 cm

Estado de conservación mundial

LC Least Concern

¿Quién soy?

I am a mammal of diurnal-twilight habits. I am a skilled climber, spending several hours a day in the canopy of the forests. The color of my coat is very varied and has dark brown tones, cream on the head, and white spots on the chest. I have strong claws and very pronounced canines.

¿De qué me alimento?

I am an opportunistic omnivore mammal; I enjoy feeding on fruits, carrion, small vertebrates, insects, and bees.

¿Dónde vivo?

I like to live in tropical and subtropical forests, including secondary forests, plantations, and bushes. You can find me from Mexico to Argentina.

Para que me conozcas mejor

Cognitive abilities. 

In a banana plantation, we can recognize the ripe and unripe fruits. We cut the immature ones from the base and store them until they are ready to be consumed. This type of behavior possibly indicates some perception of the future or "forward-thinking", which has only been registered in chimpanzees and magpies.

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